For digital ckeck-in and access to your apartment
You are in charge of your stay
Use the Grand Horizon app to access all the hotel’s services. From booking to registering your entry and exit, you are in charge of your stay. Control the temperature, call room service or book the service you require through our app, which will also be used as a control panel throughout your stay.
24/7 unlimited access
Our guests have unlimited access to the hotel through our app. You can check in from anywhere with your smartphone and we will advise you when your room is available. If you wish, you can also wait at the hotel and enjoy the relaxing background music while you wait. Don’t expect to find a receptionist though! Remember that reception is virtual.
No waiting times and no unnecessary queues
Get ready to enjoy a unique and high tech hotel experience. The hotel reception is virtual, and that means that you don’t need to wait in long queues when you check in or out of the hotel. You can streamline all these tasks through the Grand Horizon app. Don’t forget your mobile phone is your key and you set the times to suit you.
The smart focus of Grand Horizon is designed to provide the greatest convenience and wellbeing for our guests.
A contactless experience
Unlocking your room has never been so easy. Use your mobile phone as a key to open and close your room from nearby. Forget about the worries of leaving the keys or card behind and enjoy the stay you deserve. Remember that your travel companions can also have their own key, they just need to register as guests on the Grand Horizon app to start enjoying the 360 experience.
24-Hour assistance
Use the application to order breakfast or book a taxi. And if you need to speak to someone, don’t hesitate to contact our 24-hour assistance service. For your peace of mind, remember that at the hotel, you have chargers to be able to charge your phone battery. We guarantee you a warm and comfortable stay with us.